Contractor Management Software for Safe & Efficient Site Operations
Efficiently Manage Site Personnel & Operations – Increase Compliance & Safety
SitePlanner online contractor management system enables the digitalisation and central management of personnel and operations information and helps teams improve related compliance and safety across work sites.
With SitePlanner, teams can choose single or integrated solution modules to manage inductions, permits to work, RAMS, daily briefings, and time & attendance.
The backbone of the SitePlanner software as a service (SaaS) solution is built on high-scale systems designed to provide uncompromised access reliability along with advanced data protection measures that meet all regulatory requirements, including GDPR.
Using SitePlanner, site owners and principal contractors have improved data compliance & consistency, significantly minimised related processing times and reduced their Accident Frequency Rate (AFR) on sites.
An Integrated Modular Platform
SitePlanner can be implemented on a per solution basis or as a fully integrated solution.

Site Inductions
An efficient online induction process that allows contractors to be shown the risks and procedures of a site before their arrival.
SitePlanner asks for relevant personal information, competencies to be uploaded for verification, and induction material to be viewed and tested prior to arrival at site.
Personnel / Competency Checker
Ensure everyone on site is working with up-to-date and relevant competencies. Personnel and contractors can easily upload new documentation to their profile for approval.
A comprehensive training and certificate matrix will allow site managers to ensure everyone coming to site is safe and qualified to do their job.
Permit to Work & RAMS
Prevent delays by ensuring RAMS are received and approved before the work is due to be completed.
Issue a permit and associate the approved RAMS whilst ensuring there are no simultaneous operations that could affect the safety of the job. An auditable approval process ensures accountability.
Daily Briefings
Every day on site is different and provides new challenges with risks which may not be identified in your induction material.
The Daily Briefings module allows site managers to record the attendance of personnel from daily safety briefing sessions and ensures everyone has relevant information to keep them safe on site.

MWH Treatment Reduced Site Enrolment Time by 80%
“MWH Treatment has reduced the inductees first day on site, including inductions, site familiarisations, and RAMS briefings from 2.5 hours to only 30 minutes by using the digital SitePlanner platform.”

Drive Site-Wide Compliance & Consistency
Ensure company processes and standards are followed, information is easily recoverable, and sites are meeting GDPR requirements.

Reduce Time & Cost through Digital Transformation
Enable teams to focus on valuable site operation activities instead of time-consuming paperwork.

Improve Corporate SHEQ Performance
Increase site safety by ensuring up-to-date and accurate site information is shared with all personnel via an easy-to-use solution.