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How to Efficiently Manage Contractors on Your Project | SitePlanner

Written by SeaRoc | Dec 18, 2018 12:00:00 AM

If you are responsible for managing a large-scale project where you have multiple contractors working on site, having an effective management system in place is essential to the overall safety and efficiency of the project.

SitePlanner is software that provides the platform to effectively manage all moving parts of a large and complex project, specifically with the ability to manage a team of contractors from induction through to the approval of Risk Assessments/Method Statements (RAMS) for specific tasks. It presents a solid framework for project managers to meet industry best practises, health and safety standards and regulatory compliance whilst meeting the needs of the project in terms of productivity and efficiency.

Managing projects where contractors are required brings with it a range of complexities and challenges. What are these challenges, and how does the SitePlanner platform help alleviate and resolve these challenges?

Relevant Inductions

It is vital within any industry that all personnel and contractors on site are provided with a thorough induction process that covers all regulatory health and safety standards, working processes and project specific detail. Without this level of detail, in a fast and effective form, a project can become disrupted through loss of time due to a drawn-out induction process, or due to contractors performing tasks in a way that is incorrect for that specific site or in a way that puts themselves and others in danger. Having a learning platform in place that delivers site and project specific data in a pleasant and informative manner is vital to the smooth running of any project. SitePlanner delivers this with a fast, smooth induction process, including online induction systems that can be rolled out across multiple sites and made available to contractors prior to arrival on site for an even smoother start to a project. The software can be easily tailored to suit the specific needs of your company, project and tasks, and location.

Raising the Correct Permits to Work

Permit to Work Systems must be devised and implemented in a way that offers stability, thoroughness and accuracy at all times. One of the biggest challenges facing large projects and multi-site projects is ensuring that all contractors have the correct permits to work. It can cause delays to the start of a certain task, whilst also putting people at risk should contractors end up working without the right support documentation. With SitePlanner you’ll have access to a framework that provides you with everything you need for an effective permit to work system. The software is user-driven, with simple processes and procedures that allow for quick and easy submission and approval. From a central database you’ll have access to review all permits to work, and approve or decline permits for all contractors and personnel on site at any given time. This is a great tool for a smooth-running and streamlined management of a large and complex project.

Tracking Contractor Documentation

All contractors must have the correct documentation that proves that they are fully qualified and have the relevant industry specific verification to work safely and effectively on site. With SitePlanner you’ll have the ability to monitor and record all control certification and assign access for specific personnel on site at any given time. You’ll be able to store and quickly find relevant documentation relating to induction and training records, as well as insurance renewal dates and health and safety records. This is all available from one single point of access, helping to manage the compliance aspect of contractor management. This information can be made readily available to individuals granted access, ensuring there is no duplication of documents that can clog up and confuse a system of work during a project.

Tracking Contractors and Project Assets

Once contractors have been granted access to a project site it is important to be able to track movements and ensure that all assets are safe and accounted for. In terms of understanding the movement towards a project deadline and the smooth use of contractors and assets to achieve those goals, having the ability to track and manage contractors once they are working on site is an invaluable tool. A central contractor management system such as SitePlanner allows for trackable contractors from one single point of access as well as produce reports for contractor time on site.

SitePlanner has been of massive importance to our clients, who have discovered it provides them with a strong and flexible framework from which to effectively deliver on projects of a large and complex nature. It is software that is a cost-effective method to deliver contractor induction, across multiple sites if necessary through online induction systems. With SitePlanner behind you, you’ll have a much greater chance of performing safely and effectively, monitoring all contractors and personnel on site, as well as having a central database of contractor certification that can be accessed from a single point and has links to full CITB credentials and contractor verification. A fully customisable contractor management system, SitePlanner is a robust and flexible choice for anyone in charge of multiple sites, complex projects and the management of contractors.